To help protect and inform our members, we created this page to share scam attempts reported by members.
If you believe you have received a scamming attempt, please call us at 806.775.7766.
How to Spot a Scam
In one of the most common scams, a caller may:
Pretend to be from The Co-op. (Your caller ID may even display our name.)
Threaten to turn off power to your home or business within an hour.
Demand immediate payment - often by a prepaid debit card.
Suspect a scammer?
Here's what to do if the call seems suspicious:
1. Hang up.
2. Call us at 806.775.7766.
3. Call the police.
DO NOT pay over the phone if immediate payment is demanded to avoid a disconnection.
Receive a discount on Life Lock through our Co-op Connections program.
Here are some recent scamming attempts reported by members:
We want to warn members about energy brokers going door-to-door. They are coming in because of LP&L going into competition. Remember, if you are a SPEC member, retail competition will not affect you. You will stay a SPEC member. So, if someone comes to your house, ask them to leave. If they don’t leave, call the non-emergency LPD number.
We are seeing an uptick in scammers trying to trick our members. They seem to hit really hard during the holiday season. We are hearing that scammers are demanding payment over the phone or they threaten to disconnect members within 30 minutes. We have also heard from some members that they are using a number close to ours. Their number is also a 775 number. We also have had "Mike" calling from 806.253.6224. He is a scammer. Please, just hang up on them and give us a call at 806.775.7766.
We are seeing an uptick in scammers trying to trick our members. Some reports are phone scams and some are door-to-door. Please remember, we will never go door-to-door demanding payment, nor will we call you and demand payment with an immediate disconnect if you don’t pay. We also do not have any contracted relationships with any solar companies, but we do have a solar specialist available to help you. Don’t give your personal information to anyone. Our member service reps have the details they need to access your account. If you are unsure, please hang up or shut the door and give us a call at 806-775-7766.
Members are receiving calls from 806-412-8777 where a recorded message states that they will be disconnected due to delinquencies. If you receive one of these calls and are unsure if it is a scam, hang up and call us at 806.775.7766.
Representatives from Vivint are going by homes claiming to be working with South Plains Electric Cooperative selling solar and making false claims. If you receive one of these visits and are unsure if it is a scam, hang up and call us at 806.775.7766. Before signing up for solar please contact Jeff Watson at or 940-585-6277. We are happy to share information about solar and offer assistance in making decisions about whether solar is a good option for you.
Members have received a call stating that they are South Plains Electric and that we will be disconnecting your service at 2:00 p.m. to update your meter. Please be aware that we will contact you by email, text, bill stuffers and by a door knock before replacing your meter. If you receive one of these calls and are unsure if it is a scam, hang up and call us at 806.775.7766.
Members are receiving calls from 1-800-350-6945 demanding payment within 30 minutes or their power will be disconnected. They are giving a number to call back. After calling the number back, the call is answered: "You've reached the business contact center". Please be aware that all of our calls are answered identifying South Plains Electric Cooperative. If you receive one of these calls and are unsure if it is a scam, hang up and call us at 806.775.7766.
Caution: We have reports of members searching for South Plains Electric online and this link comes up as one of the results: This company is not authorized to accept payments for South Plains Electric Cooperative members. We have several reports of members using this site and we are not receiving the payments or are receiving them late. Our website is There is a secure link to the bill pay site from the homepage. Also, you can mail your payment, come to one of our service locations, download our free app or call our member service representatives at 806.775.7766.
A man by the name of Alexander is calling members saying if they don’t pay within an hour, a truck will be there to pull their meter. They say it will be truck #00125812G. The call back number is 800.460.0973. If you receive one of these calls and are unsure if it is a scam, hang up and call us at 806.775.7766.

DOXO Warning
When making a payment on your account, please remember that Doxo is not affiliated with SPEC in any way.
Doxo is a third-party website that allows you to pay bills via their site, then send the payment to us at a later date. In addition, Doxo may charge you extra fees.
We cannot control when we will receive a payment from, possibly resulting in a late payment from the member or even disconnection due to non-payment.
The most secure ways to pay are:
Downloading the SPEC App
Creating an account to pay online
Calling 806.775.7766 and selecting option '2' to pay by phone
Sign up for Co-op Power PrePay
Mail your payment to:
P.O. Box 600, Spur, TX 79370-0600 -
Visit one of our service offices:
110 N. I-27, Lubbock
7210 82nd St., Lubbock
2741 Farm Road 836, Spur
1900 Ave. C NW, Childress
611 Hwy. 82, Lorenzo
For more information on making a payment click here.